Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon in the Waiting Room

Hello All. I wish we had more to post... The important thing is that J remains stable. We are waiting for the meds to work so that his belly is less distended. They have tried several things, but there has been little response. As I understand it, sometimes you just have to wait for things to start moving. The doctors are on top of it and have several things to try.

Over the night , J developed a fever. The most likely diagnosis is pneumonia, but we will have to wait 3-5 days to find out for sure. They have taken blood, sputum, naso- gastric fluid and urine. They are running cultures on all of these. In the mean time, they have started an antibiotic and Tylenol to bring the fever down. This should not be a reason to postpone surgery, according to our nurse.

We are hanging in there. The support we feel is amazing. We are so grateful!




careywarner said...

J is very fortunate to have your love and to have you as an advocate in the hospital. Your family will be in my thoughts today.

Love, Carey

Kelli said...

Kara, Jennifer told me about J and the prayer pager. I'm passing on the prayer request to my friends in Florida. Prayer is powerful and will sustain you. Thank you for letting us know whats going on in the blog so that we know exactly what to pray for.

Your old (and I do mean old) :) babysitter, Kelli

Anonymous said...

Cara and Family: Keep reading the Phillipians passage over and over. We know this is such a frustrating and exhausting time for all of you. Thanks for keeping us posted whether you have news or not.

Sandy & Joe Barron

Anonymous said...

Cara, Elizabeth just passed on your blog to me - I am so sorry to learn of J's accident. You, your boys and the rest of your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers. This blog is such a good way for the rest of us to know how you are all doing and the specific prayers you're needing. Stay strong but let others help you out, also. Janae Wilson Campbell

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about J's accident. I have thought about you since the moment I received Elizabeth's email today. Please know that you have friends all over the world thinking of you and praying for you. God bless you-

Anonymous said...

J definately has a way of bringing people together and I want you guys to know that Christina and I are praying for recovery and peace for you guys and the boys. Love you, Lance Stumbaugh

Anonymous said...

Cara and family -

I am thinking and praying for you often.


Anonymous said...

Cara and family,
We have lots of prayers here in PA for J. You are a strong family so try to stay focused on the positive. J has good drs. and alot of people praying for him. We send our love.
Sharon & Mark Waddell

Anonymous said...

I heard about J's accident and recovery process today- We'll start praying! Thanks for the blog.
John Harris

Anonymous said...

Cara and family,

Thank you for keeping everyone updated. There are many here that will help you out in anyway and you can add a few more to the list. You are all in our thoughts.

Michelle and Paul Beneux

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. The surgery will happen soon. You are being so strong and I just keep praying for you and your family everyday. I am glad you have the blog so I can keep in touch with you.

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Cara, after reading today's report, it appears to be a little bump in the road. He'll pull through this. You just "keep the faith." Everyone is pullng and praying for you guys. Hang in there and remain positive.

Joey York

Scott E. Kelly said...

J. our last conversation was about carpooling to Little Rock. If you really did'nt want to ride with me you could've just said so. Take care and I'll be stopping by Tulsa just as soon as your up for visitors. Take care. Scott

janebug1 said...

Hi Cara; David and I have been "by your side" since Cissy called me on the way to Fayetteville. You're on the prayer list at St. John's Episcopal also. Thanks for keeping us posted. I check it every day. Love, Janee Crotts

Tim Butler said...

Jerry and Family,
I have been keeping up via the blog and it's comforting to see how many people have responded. It's a testament to the positive effect that J has on everyone that he comes in contact with. I feel privileged to know J and our time together is precious.
Cara, keep up your strength, I know that this is trying but you and J will pull through this. You are in my thoughts.


Auntie Helen said...

Cara you and your family are in our prayers.. Being from Tulsa, I can tell you St John is the BEST hospital for him to be..The doctors there are highly trained and professional and will make sure he gets proper care.. If you or your family need anything while you are here in Tulsa please email me helen@candleswithcharm.com
Keep Strong and take care of yourself Cara.. Our hearts are with you and J.. Helen Green

Anonymous said...

J, you, and your family have been in my prayers ever since I heard about J's accident. If there is anything I can do to help you or the boys, please just ask. Be strong!
Much love!
Lisa (Ardemagni) Malloy

Anonymous said...

Hey man, what did I tell you about doing wheelies no handed..? :)

I have complete faith that your going to pull through and we'll be throwing back a few brew's soon, but as a precautionary measure I made a call to Fayetteville and they should be sending someone to help. Cara, tell Jay to expect a visit from the only man that can truely save the day -- Robert Johnson ;)

Seriously though, I love you guys and let me know if there is anything I can do and keep getting moe-betta.
