Monday, August 4, 2008

Surgery postponed!

We don’t have the full details, but as of 1:30 the surgery has been postponed, possibly for two days. J has some tenderness and swelling in the abdomen area. An x-ray was taken this morning to evaluate the abdomen. While they went ahead and took him to surgery at noon, they cancelled the surgery when they got down there. Cara and everyone else are very disappointed. Two more days of traction. Two more days of waiting. Maybe two more days of the ventilation tube. Tons of more questions. We don’t even know what the complication with the abdomen is. When the doctors come out and provide some answers, we’ll update the blog.


Anonymous said...

Cara, hang in there. The doctors know what they're doing. They are probably just trying to be safe. I am at work today and have been logging in every hour to see your updates. You are continually in mine and Richard's prayers and thoughts. Diane and Richard Back

Katie said...

Hi Cara, I am sorry to hear that surgery was postponed. Stay stong and positive. I am constantly thinking and praying for you both.

Anonymous said...


Please know that many within our Tyson family are keeping all of you in our prayers. If we can be supportive or helpful, please do not hesitate to call on us.

Chaplain Woody Brown
Tyson Foods

Anonymous said...

Cara, sorry about the surgery being postponed. Hang in there. I am thinking and praying for you and J everyday.


wiley said...

Hey there Cara, we just heard about the accident and we are all thinking of you and your family. Keep up the positive attitude!!

Boom Kinetic

Tim Butler said...

Cara and family,
This blog is a godsend, it enables all that love Jerry to check on him and get the latest updates. Jerry is lucky to have such a loving and caring family which I have told him numerous times. Jerry is strong willed and I'm sure he will weather this as well as anyone.
Cara is a stalwart and it's comforting to know that she is with Jerry during his recovery. Keep up the positive attitudes as I know J will.

Much love, Tim

Anonymous said...

Hi Cara,
We at the 96th have held Jerry up in Prayer. So many of us missed Jerry. The PAX Picnic has been post poned until Jerry can attend.
Continue to stay strong and encourage Jerry to stay strong too. I know it is hard now, but you will both triump from this ordeal. Tell Jerry that Carrie says hang in there and keep moving forward!
God bless you and your family

Anonymous said...

Cara, Karen and I are checking in everyday. Thinking of your family constantly. Everything is going to workout, you hang in there. Tim