Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday NIght in 844

There is more progress to report. J is now in a regular room. He moved in today after lunch. We are thrilled that he is now healthy enough to be out of ICU. Jane and I do have some jitters about not having the intensity of nursing care. In ICU there was always a nurse within arms reach. Now we are staying with him 24/7 in case he needs something quickly. I have taken the first overnight shift. He is in a private room, so it's almost like home. It just doesn't smell as good and my bed isn't quite as comfortable.

J's pain has been very manageable today. He had to be taken off the the fentanyl (sp?) drip before he was moved. He has not had any PRN pain meds since we got here (about 8 hours ago.) I try to encourage him to use the pain meds when he needs them, but he says he is OK. We are still using sign language, but we are getting better at non-verbal communication all the time.

We ask you to continue to pray for healing. Thank you all!




Charlotte said...

This is REALLY great news! I know all of the strides that J has made have been through faith and J's strong will. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

God Bless,
Charlotte Sanders

Anonymous said...

That is great news. See, he is making so much progress. It won't be long until you are back in Fayetteville with your boys. The 96th is still pullng for him and praying for him. Please let us know if you need anything. We'll be glad to come over and sit with him if you need us to. Just say the word and we'll be there. Take care and God Bless.

Joey York

Anonymous said...

What a way to start off my morning with such great news. Jerry is so much closer to being home with his family. We will keep the thoughts and prayers going. We miss you Jerry. Cant wait to see you.

Cindy Underwood

Katie said...

good morning! hope you had a great first night together...did J try any new tricks this morning? he better keep up with good behavior so he can come home soon!!!! have a great day with the boys.
love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

THAT IS WONDERFUL!!!!I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THE GOOD NEWS...Before long yall will be back in Fayetteville!!! hugs to yall

Allison Boggess

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting out of ICU. This is a big step toward getting him back home. You may not have the nurses right there, but a regular room will be a lot more quiet and is a step toward normalcy. It sounds like the worst is over, thank goodness. Looking forward to getting you back in the office! Diane and Richard Back

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that he is in his own room finally. Things are going to get better and better. Can't wait till you guys are back in Fayetteville. Take care and I am still praying for you everyday.


Deborah A. Cron said...

Glad to hear improvements are being made and that the pain is managed! Sounds like you are getting a first hand look at what the SLP does. Hope she's making a good impression! Hang in there, Cara, and give Jerry a hug (gently!). Your family is in our family's thoughts and prayers.

Debbie, George, and Josh

Anonymous said...

Way to go J.! It's great to hear about all your improvements. Sign language has to be pretty difficult -- I remember mouthing everything when I was on the vent. One suggestion is an alphabet board (cardboard with the alphabet listed in case of needing to spell something, also commonly used phrases could be listed). You and your family continue to be in my prayers and you are still on the Central e-mail prayer chain. Keep up the good work and NEVER GIVE UP!

Bless you,
Andrea Beckman

Anonymous said...

Yippee! One day at a time! Good things are still to come! Much love, hugs, and prayers coming your way!
Julie and the kids