Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Healing Continues

All, here is a quick update on my status as the healing continues.
I went back to Tulsa on February 2nd for a follow up visit from the hip surgery in November. If you remember, I had hoped to walk in to his office, but those hopes did not happen due to the fall on the ice injuring my knee. The up side to the visit was that my knee appears to be healing well and as I type this, I am back to using one crutch. Dr. Norris prescribed a new AFO (foot and ankle support). This was needed for a few reasons. My leg has changed a bit since the last one was molded and it really creates discomfort by the end of the day. I need toe support since I am unable to straighten my toes due to the nerve damage they get curled under as I put my shoe on. Finally, since the last operation, I need more arch support to help me walk. Other good news from the visit was the positive prognosis for the nerve regeneration. I am scheduled for a nerve conduction test to see where the activity is and how far it has to go. They estimate about 1"/month.
The bad news from the visit was that the bone graft performed in October did not take and the hip still has not completely healed to the femur. Nearly devastating nes, but I am now using a bone stimulation device with about a 75% chance for healing.
Somewhat good news regarding the reserves. It looks like I am closer to returning to duty. I need to get a letter completed by Dr. Arnold and take it with me when I go to visit in March. Hopefully with this letter, I will get a waiver signed allowing me to serve in a desk environment. I was starting to lose all hope so I try not to get my hopes up too high.
Family is doing well. Cara's practice seems to be thriving. My dad came up a couple weekends ago to help me and Allen repair his exhaust - he had the loudest car in town for a couple weeks and now it purrs. Sam told us last night that his art teacher wants to display one of his pieces in the school library and possibly in an art show.
Cara and I have started looking at the summer lake schedule. We are getting spring fever.