Friday, August 1, 2008

9 PM in the Waiting Room

Hello all. We are feeling better tonight. The chaos seems to be gone, although we know that there is very likely more ahead. We just left J and he is very peaceful. He 's sleeping quietly and every once in a while he will move his feet around. Sheila, his nurse, said that he shook his head "no" when she asked if he was in pain. We hope a couple of days rest on the vent will help him to be stronger and help the next surgery to go smoothly.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!


Cara, Jane and Jerry


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that he is resting well. I hope you are also able to get some rest. I know how it can be. I am thinking of the you and your family every day. Keep up your strength and you will be able to pull J through this. Please call me if you need anything at all. 479-685-4043.

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

We've never met but Jerry and I worked closely over several projects at TDC. We quickly became friends due to several reasons; one of which our military backgrounds (I'm retired Army)
He and the 96th hosted my wife, Lori and son, Todd a couple of weeks back so Todd could check out the Air Force Reserve. Jerry is Todd's "Recruiter" if you will and we enjoyed the trip very much.
Todd plans on contracting with the Air Force Reserve this fall and join the 96th; all due to Jerry.

Todd, Lori and I are looking forward to meeting you when Jerry returns to NWA and will receive visitors. He is in our prayers daily and I know from your blog site that he is blessed with many friends that support your family, but if you are ever in need of anything please don't hesitate to call. 479-684-9957.
God bless you and the boys during this time of Jerry's recovery.

Marty Martin

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear J is resting well....This is the cooliest website....Love the ski will be a long road to recovery...but those HARTFIELDS HAVE STRONG REBOUND AND THEY R STRONG AND TOUGH...HUGS TO ALL OF YA'LL...


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Although it's hard, you need to remember to take care of yourself too during all this. I'm glad to hear that the surgeries are going well. Thank you for the blog so that we can keep in touch. We know that Jerry can pull through this.

Tina, David, and Jordan Kemp