Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 23 - 25 - It is not a walk in the park


Your continued comments still mean the world to me.
Since taking over the blog from Cara and making the posts on my own, I have tried to paint a perfect picture of healing and progress. I have to admit that this is not a walk in the park. Like all things there are hills and valleys. I am currently in a bit of a valley as I am simply tired of being in a wheelchair, tired of the pain - that is continuous, tired of depending on others to do the most basic things.
I am thrilled about being back to work on even a part time basis. It gives me purpose and I feel like I am contributing. The downside is that my lower left leg is throbbing by the time I leave after only four hours. The throbbing is due to vein damage and blood struggles to get back to the heart - typical with orthopedic trauma surgery. I am sitting in my office chair OK and co-workers have helped to form a foot rest to elevate my foot. It just is not the same as my recliner.

Wednesday, September 24
My PT session this morning was conducted in the swimming pool. First, I will tell you that the temperature is consistently 96 degrees. They lowered me into the pool and I was able to walk and perform other leg exercises. It felt wonderful except for my left foot preventing a normal gate. I will probably not do more than 1 pool session a week, but it sure felt great to be immersed in water.
From there, we went home briefly for lunch prior to my follow up with the heart surgeon.
This was my last follow-up with him and my prognosis is clear. That is expected, but still fantastic news. It was again confirmed just how close I was to the end. They were thrilled to see and talk to me.

Thursday, September 25
we, Cara and I, had a fairly relaxing morning before returning to work after lunch. It is still a treat for co-workers to come by my cube and say hello and welcome back. The new ness of my return is slowing down, but there are several here checking in on me. Speaking of work, I should get back to it.

Thanks again for your continued comments, thoughts and prayers.
I will add more comments soon,



Anonymous said...

Jerry, thanks for the fantastic news. It may not seem like much progress from your point of view, but believe me, it is a lot. You are doing so well. Just as I said from the beginning, please be patient and let God take care of the healing. It takes time. I know it's extemely tough on you right now, but one day you will look back on all this and it will just be one big memory. Hang in there. So glad to hear your progress. May God continue to bless you and the entire Hartfield family.

Joey York

Anonymous said...

Jerry, all good things come in time. I know that you are tired of being in this position, but as you mentioned, God saved you for a reason and this journey has a purpose. Have a super day and a fabulous weekend!
Hugs, Kisses, and much Love Julie and the Kids.

Anonymous said...

I know there is alot of pain and frustration that goes along with the extent of injuries you've endured. But sometimes you just need a good shot in the arm to take your mind off of it. So here is your shot.

Stardate 92608: First officer's log: Captain crunch has been release from sick bay and has been cleared for limited duty back on the bridge. The first confrontations with the Corona 12 were very successful. We suffered no casualties while the Corona 12 were nearly wiped out. They multiply quickly so another battle is eminient. The Captain is making great strides in his recovery. Dr. Feelgood says he is ahead of schedule. However the Captain still is very frustrated that he isn't able to do everything he was able to previously. He complains of hills and valleys in his recovery. I reminded him that some hills and valleys really make life worth living. Captain needs to think of hills and valleys in a different context. Say the context of a curvacious woman? First officer out.

(that ought to take your mind off of it. What were we talking about again?)>>>>LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey J!
I love your posts...and your friends are so sweet and so funny. Love the story of the Corona 12. I digress...when you're feeling impatient about the amount of time the healing is taking, please speak to your precious wife who must be the QUEEN of PATIENCE!! I'm sure she is just thrilled to have you home so that you CAN speak of hills and valleys. Honestly, you have made tremendous progress in a very short amount of time. You'll be walking again very, very soon. Before you'll know it, you'll have to bring in the groceries yet again. Take care and keep your chin've worked hard and God is working overtime to heal you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, J and Cara. It is so good to have you, J, doing the blog-it lifts my spirits every time to hear of the remarkable progress you are making. The very fact that you are able to do it is amazing-and again reaffirms the power of prayer!

First Officer's log is great-how fortunate you are to have him as a friend. The "comic relief" is much appreciated.

Thinking of you often, and your great mom, who is one of my greatest friends ever.