Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Next Surgery

Thank you all for your thoughts as both Allen and I are recovering from injuries.

Allen goes to the doctor today and should get the staples taken out and receive a new splint.
We do not expect x-rays until 4 weeks from now. He is back in his room upstairs and has been going to school full-time.

I went to Dr. Arnold yesterday to review the CT scan and discuss my options. What is left of my left patella is still broken and dislocated. As I understand it, the dislocation is preventing my leg extensions (not to mention causing a lot of pain). We scheduled an out-patient procedure for March 6th. He is going to remove more pieces of the patella and graft some new tendon material to hopefully resist the dislocations in the future. I had hoped that the procedure would be sooner, but his schedule is full. I am on the cancellation list.
During the visit, he wanted to x-ray my hips. The overall consult from Dr. Arnold was that he hoped the knee would be better, but the trauma to the hips, nerve damage and drop foot were not good signs of a full recovery.

Keep thinking of Cara as she runs the house around two handicapped people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You probably don't have power, but just wanted to let you know you're not forgotten. I look forward to the next update. Take care!