Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23 - The Latest Results

OK, after leaving a little early on Tuesday and being out all day yesterday - for obvious reasons, I had some catching up to do here at work this morning. I have responded to the immediate requests and can spend a few moments to summarize the Tulsa trip yesterday.

Thank you for all of your recent comments and it is wonderful to see that you are still checking up on me!

The bad news first:
As I expected, there are some unknown problems with my left knee. Dr. Norris, who I saw yesterday was not the surgeon. He had us schedule an appointment with Dr. Stafford on November 20th I think. Until then, I need to tough it out.

Now, the great news:

I am officially cleared to drive!!! - I know that some of you know that I had been cheating this a little, but it is official now. Look out, I am back on the road. I will honestly miss the routine Cara and I had in the morning as she drove me to work and picked me up from work.

I am cleared to put full weight on my left leg! Despite the problem in my knee, Physical Therapy will really be able to work on strengthening my left leg. I hope to be on it as fast as I was on my right leg. We turned in the wheel chair yesterday for good. Soon, I will retire the walker for the coveted cane. Allen had recently turned me onto the TV show House. I look forward to using a cane just like Dr. House!

Things keep progressing very well with my recovery. This alows me to continue to make new goals as others are achieved.

I think my next goal to go along with weight on my left leg is to learn how to climb steps again. I have gone up single steps with the help of the walker, but stairs have been a deal breaker. As soon as I can safely manage stairs, I will be able to schedule a weekend at the lake with Cara!

Another goal - somewhat personnal - is to keep returning the devices that help me function at the house. The bedside commode that strattles our toilet. The shower stool that I sit on to shower. I look forward to returning these items and repairing our bathroom and removing the ramp. While it is nice to know that our house can become handicap accessible, it will also be nice to return it to normal as well.

Talk to you soon,



Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry,

Glad to hear the good news. Though you didn't get such great news on the knee it will work out, I have faith. Your will to get better and get back to normal is so inspiring. As you know I have been following my mother's recovery and alot of the medical procedures that happened to you has happened to her. Of course she is a little older and not going at such a fast pace, but listening to you and following your progress gives me hope and strength to know my mother will recover.

Take care
See you soon

Anonymous said...

Hey J, this is great news!! I'm so glad you can drive again and I know this must make you feel so good about the situation. While you're delivering all of this good news, can you give us an update on the visit to the attorney? Are they going to be able to help you? I hope you and Cara will be back at the lake soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi J,
So glad to hear things are still progressing so well. I'm continually amazed by your can-do attitude. It totally seems to be working. :-) Hope to see you all soon - Elizabeth

Anonymous said...


Outstanding Report! I'm thankful to hear that you're progessing so well.
Please do give us a legal update if you can. I'm very interested on how things are going on that front. You, Cara and the boys need justice for this interuption in your lives. Take care, my friend!
Now.....that you're driving, I see lunch at the Rib Crib coming up really quick like!