Sunday, November 15, 2009

No surgery is minor

It sounds simple enough. Remove a few screws, rotate the bone and re-fix the screws. I had my FINAL surgery last Thursday as scheduled. Dr. Norris said it went very well. The femur was rotated back to the original screw holes. He thinks there may still be some rotation issues in the actual hip joint, but it should not be a major issue. I can remember being in a lot of pain during recovery, but they helped me manage the pain once I got to my room. Just as Dr. Norris and I expected, I was discharged Friday at about noon. After I dressed, I stood up and went to the bathroom. Blood started running down my leg. My nurse applied a new bandage and sent us on our way. The trip from Tulsa to Fayetteville was extremely difficult and I was second guessing the decision to leave the hospital so soon. The pain was excruciating and when we finally got home, the car seat and my shorts were soaked in blood. I could hardly make it to my bed where I was desperate to elevate my leg. Cara immediately applied a new bandage. I took several painkillers and began to relax in bed. The pain decreased quite a bit before my parents got here. Cara's parents were here as well helping with the boys, cooking and helping Cara with her office. I was very happy to have both her parents and my parents with us so Cara could get a break.
I have done very little since coming home other than rest in bed. Things are a lot better now than when I got home on Friday. Cara has been working non-stop on getting her office ready to open. I think the painting will be finished today with the help of several friends. New flooring may be installed this week.
It has been nothing less than wonderful to have all of this support in a time of need.
The surgery was more difficult than I had hoped. I am anxious to get back to work soon, but I am not sure if I will be ready tomorrow.

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