Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 posts in one day

Please read the previous post from this morning. I really felt like I needed to get some feelings off of my chest. I look forward to any and all comments.

Today's trip to Tulsa was routine to follow up from the previous surgery and to get the staples removed. At the same time I wanted answers on this increased nerve pain in my lower leg. I am sure that I mentioned before that the sciatic nerve was streched when they lengthened my leg and re-aligned the angle of the hip. Nerve pain is not relieved with narcotics like Hydrocodone and I am already on a high dosage of Nuerontin.

Dr. Norris quickly diagnosed the nerve pain as RSD, reflex sympathetic distrophy. He wants me to see a pain specialist as soon as possible to install a nerve block to block the signals in this nerve. Cara just got home and she did some research on the nerve block and learned that it is very effective with nerve pain and is temporary. This means as the nerve heals, the block usually alcohol, wears off.

Now, some less than positive news. As soon as I started using my crutches instead of the walker, I noticed that my left foot was kicked out. It was concerning since it bumped against the walker or the crutch. Dr. Norris is certain that the leg rotated during the procedure. Here we go again yet another surgery. He wants to schedule a derotation after the nerve block, but before the bones fully heal. If we do this soon, it will be a smaller incision unscrewing fewer screws and rotationg the femur about 20 degrees. If we wait longer after the bone fully heals it would be a much more difficult operation involving breaking the femur yet again. For me, it feels like every step forward equals two steps back. I mentioned in my previous post that I am tired of surgery. I am also tired of missing work. Tyson has been nothing less than wonderful throughout this entire ordeal, but how much more will they tolerate? I will move forward with this derotation, but I sure hope and pray that this will be the last surgery.

Here we go again. Please be patient with me and help me maintain my positive attitide. I have to admit that I am about to lose some of my optimism.

Thanks as always for reading and understanding. I love and need the support that I know I am getting.



Anonymous said...

Hey Jerry, it's Kim, Jim's friend...bless you for such an ordeal and your strength to keep facing each day. I have worked the neuro floor and can attest that nerve pain is by far the worst. I hope the nerve block is effective. Have they considered Lyrica for you? I am now working the ER at Cox in Springfield and will always keep you in the back of my head as someone who may be able to help a motorcycle accident victim from your experience if I see the need someday. Keep one foot in front of the other and those steps back won't completely pull you down...

J. David Vansandt said...

Thinking and praying for you.