Is it one year? five years? ten years?
Bubba passed away last night sometime between 11:00 and 12:30. He was definitely a part of our family and was with us for well over 17 years. We all knew it was coming, but he was just so full of love and affection that we hoped he would be with us forever. We knew he was suffering from renal failure, but he seemed to be happy and was still quick to jump in our laps. It just hapened all of a sudden. Cara noticed that he seemed to have lost his balance while walking yesterday morning. His conditioned worsened throughout the day. I was able to hold him last night after I got home after 9:30. Cara and I tried to comfort him in bed before we knew we had to turn out the lights and try to go to sleep.
Bubba will be deeply missed even by those who really do not care for cats. He was not a normal cat. He loved to be around people. Any time we had guests over to the house, he would visit with them and stay in the room where the people were. Cara and I often joked about cloning him because we know there will never be another cat in our family that could compare to him.
Our family is hurting right now. We know he is at peace now and we surely hope he was not suffering during those last 12 hours.
Say goodbye to our very special member of the family.