Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hip Surgery Part 2

Cara and I will be leaving this afternoon for Tulsa yet again.
This time, I will call the doctors before we leave town to make sure everything is set. I was able to get in for a CT scan on Monday morning and overnighted it to Tulsa for review. The CT was supposed to help the doctor better determine where to cut the femur so the hip alignment will be as close as possible to normal. It was not supposed to have any effect of wether or not I would have surgery.
I have to be honest and tell you that the pain in my hip increased significantly after using the cane for several days. I went back to the crutch which gives me better balance and allows me to take more weight off of my left leg while walking.
Hopefully this procedure will go well and in time I will be able to abandon all walking devices.
I am signing off for a few days.
I am sure Cara will post an update to let you know how the surgery went.
We are hoping and expecting to return to Fayetteville on Sunday.
Thank you for the prayers, thoughts and kind words.

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