Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good News! More Surgery

When does more surgery mean good news? I will do my best to explain it.
Last Tuesday, Cara and I made the trek back to Tulsa to see Dr. Norris. I was particularly nervous about this visit. After hearing the EMG on the peroneal nerve resulted in un-recoverable damage and physically feeling tenderness in my hip, I could not anticipate any positive news.
With respect to the hip. Dr. Norris could see new bone growth in the new x-rays. My tenderness is worst in the morning when I wake up and gradually gets better throughout the day. This is typical for hip joint arthritis and I should expect this until I can't bear it any longer and get a hip replacement. If the tenderness increased throughout the day, it would indicate that the bone still was not healing. Therefore, the Exogen bone stimulator is actually working and I am to continue to use it.
With respect to my nerve damage. Dr. Norris had a plan this entire time. He wanted to schedule the EMG close to my follow up visit so he would know where the damage was. During the visit, he physically showed it to me under my left knee. He said the nerve has excessive pressure on it due to pulling through the scar tissue and this pressure prevents it from sending the correct signals to my ankle and foot. He recommends a nerve de-compression surgery to try to relieve this pressure. I stopped him when he mentioned surgery, but he explained that the nerve is very close to the surface and the procedure would be very easy and most likely out-patient. I will not have any load bearing restrictions and I will be able to return to work immediately. The surgery cannot do any more harm and it will likely relieve the nerve pains and possible improve motor function in my foot. It is scheduled for May 7th.
Overall, we were very pleased with the trip and the news. I am cautiously optimistic. It will still take time for the nerve to come back, but at least there is a chance.

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