Thursday, March 25, 2010

It has been a while since the last post

Overall I would say things are going pretty good.
Cara's practice is really doing well.
The boys are doing well - Allen was in a wreck on March 13th that totalled his car. Nobody was hurt, but he is dealing with riding the bus and looking for a job.

I actually got to put some closure on an un-answered question yesterday.
I had a nerve conductance study to determine the location and the severity of the nerve damage in my left leg. Unfortunatley, the nerve damage and the drop foot is permanent. There was some conductance, but it did not engage my muscles.

On April 6th, Cara and I are making the drive to Tulsa to see Dr. Norris - hopefully for the last time. This visit will let us know if the bone stimulator has been effective at healing my left hip. I honestly can't tell right now because there is still tenderness, but I can tell that I am feeling better overall and I am moving more and more without the cane.

This week has been Spring Break for the boys, but we have not really done anything. Sam is going to the lake this weekend to stay with a buddy from Springfield. Allen is going to stay with my parents in Fort Smith. Cara and I are hosting a dinner party Saturday night to celebrate her upcoming 40th birthday on the 30th.


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