Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Positive Post

I think I may have mentioned that we were going to take this Thanksgiving off. We had a great time at Cara's parents house with all of our families on Thursday. It really was a relief to be able to sleep in on Thursday, casually drive down the hill, eat a fantastic meal featuring both smoked and fried turkey.
I look forward to hosting Thanksgiving again next year, but it was a relief at this time to let Carl and Cissy host it.
Cara and I worked on the office a little Friday morning and Allen and Michael came and helped me run speaker wires for her sound system. I retreated to the house leaving Cara there to continue setting things up. My Mom and Dad went to the office on the way to the Razorback game and decorated Cara's office with several of my Mom's art work. Cara is still waiting for a couple pieces of furniture to arrive, but the office looks fantastic.
I announced Allen's birthday in a previous post, but completely forgot to announce Sam's birthday. He turned 12 last Monday and got the present that he had been asking for for months. I still can't believe we got him a drum set. We set it up after dinner Monday and he has been banging away since then.

Some of you know that along with the nerve pain that I have been dealing with, my back has been giving me a lot of trouble. I am happy to say that both the nerve pain and the back pain are retreating. Not gone, but I feel better today than I have since October 22nd after the osteotomy. Some of the relief could be due to Gene Anderson, semi-retired physical therapist, suggesting and helping me lengthen my crutches at church last Sunday. Some of the relie may be because I started taking a different muscle relaxer. Who knows, some of it may just be my body healing. I have a strong suspition that it takes the body longer to recover from surgery than you think.

Cara saw patients yesterday as her first official day of being self-employed. I mentioned before that the transition occured faster than we intended, but with the help of friends and family, the office was put together in no time and her schedule is full this week. We are optimistic that this will be a successful adventure. She is good at what she does and everyone that she had seen previously came with her and she is already getting referrals from physicians that she has worked with before. Feel free to visit her website.
There is a "contact me" link where you can send her an e-mail.
It would be cool if she got even more messages of encouragement.

Things are getting better everyday.
Like I mentioned before, I woke up today feeling better than I have for a long time. I could not have gone through all of this without the prayers and helpful comments from friends and family. I will update the blog with continued healing such as my appointment on December 22nd, but I will also keep the blog going with updates about what our family is up to. Feel free to check it to see if there is a new post.


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