Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I made it to 40!

Yes, I turned 40 today. The reality has not sunk in yet. I honestly still feel like a kid inside. We all know that this journey to 40 years old was not a sure thing.
Regarding the doctor appointment in Tulsa on the 22nd, he did not release me back to Fayetteville or to therapy yet. However, he did tell me that I could start putting weight on my left leg again. I basically walked out on one crutch and have not looked back since. I will see him again on February 2nd (hopefully for the last time) and would like to walk into his office. Not so fast, when I walk without the AFO, my foot comes down at a funny angle. I hope that some of this will change as the nerves heal, but it has me worried.
What a perfect Christmas holiday! As usual, we went to Fort Smith. As we left the Christmas Eve church service, the sleet was coming down and by the time we made it to Carl and Cissy's house it was turning to snow. Cissy's party was great as always and this year we did not need to leave early to go to my parent's house. I can't remember our last white Christmas. Across town at my parent's house we were able to visit with my Uncle Sam and Daddy Ed, my grandfather, S.E. Lee Jr. Mom's dinner was delicious. We missed 2 of my nephews, Benjy and Alex. Due to the weather, they stayed an extra night with their dad in Texas.
Cara and I escaped to the lake cabin to enjoy a couple peaceful nights to ourselves. I took an extra vacation day to do what I am doing right now - relaxing at home.

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