Monday, August 31, 2009

3 - days left

All, in less than 3 days, I will be undergoing hopefully my last surgery. I could have scheduled it as early as June 10th, but we all decided it would be better to wait until later in the summer. What a summer we had. With being on hold in the reserves, we went to the lake more than we ever have in the past. The boys are doing better at every water sport we try. School has started, footbal is getting started, and we told the marina that we were done with the boat for the year.
This surgery will be a pretty big deal, but I am a lot stronger than I was after the accidend so I am hoping for a quick recovery. It will be hard to not put weight on my leg for three months, but we all hope the rewards will be worth the wait. 3 - 4 days in the hospital and then about 2 weeks at home before I try to return to my normal activities. Stay in touch.

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